101 Ways to Teach Leave No Trace翻訳プロジェクト参画依頼








Web Of Life
Objective: To introduce the group to the natural world or ecosystem and illustrate the degree of interconnectedness that exists between the living and non-living components of the system.
Materials: A large ball of string and a series of 3 x 5 cards with a variety of plants, animals and natural features on them (text or photos). It is helpful to laminate the cards for durability and weatherproofing. Be sure to include cards for soil, a stream or pond, dead trees, downed trees, as well as living components that span the food chain, etc.
Audience: Ages 7 and up. Group size of 10 or more. The larger the group (up to about 16) the better.
Directions: While two instructors is ideal with this activity, it can be facilitated with only one person, depending on the age and size of participants. Arrange the group in a circle and hand a 3 x 5 card to each participant. Make sure to include the soil, a water feature and at least one dead component in the cards you initially hand out.
Begin the activity by starting with the soil. Have the “soil person” hold one end of the string and then look at all of the available cards and determine who has a direct connection to the soil. A direct connection is defined as needing or using the particular organism or feature for food, shelter, support or some other life cycle need. As each card is named, run the string ball to that person and back again. Repeat this for every direct connection as you work your way through all of the cards.
Then choose another person and repeat the process using only direct connections. Work up the food chain with the activity to help illustrate that a lot of the smaller or less glamorous creatures and organisms play a very key role in the balance of the natural ecosystem. Those organisms at the higher end of the food chain have fewer, but more direct connections into the system balance.
Utilize the dead system components (dead logs, standing dead trees, etc.) relatively early on in the process, as this helps establish that the ecosystems foundation is composed of both living and non-living components.
Once you have worked your way up the food chain, ask the participants who has the most and least direct connections. This can be accomplished by having the participants count the numbers of string that they are holding. Discuss.
Have one leader walk into the middle of the string web, gently creating tension on several of the string connections. This can be related to the presence of man as he begins to make his first impacts in the ecosystem. Ask the group who is feeling the stress or harder pull from the action of the leader and discuss why that part of the natural world might feel the stress. The activity can be concluded at this point for younger age groups.
Randomly select a member of the circle to leave, signifying the death or removal of that species from the natural system. Make note of how many direct linkages or connections are severed. Discuss the effects of this action from both the direct effects viewpoint as well as an indirect effects point of view.
Lastly, relate the interconnectedness of the natural world to the principles of Leave No Trace as a foundation for further exploring each principle.
Below is a list of potential card ideas:
Soil, downed log, standing dead three, conifer tree, pond or stream, grass, wildflowers, fish, frog, snake, robin, blue jay, woodpecker, coyote, eagle, hawk, raccoon, bear, deer, cougar, ground squirrels, mouse, grasshopper, fly, mosquito, ants, bees, etc.
Here are some important concepts to cover:
• The natural system or ecosystem is composed of both living and non-living features and in some systems the non-living play a very large role in the health and balance of the system.
• Water is essential for all organisms.
• Discuss the relationship of each linkage that is established so the group understands how the two organisms (cards) are connected in the natural world.
• Organisms at the top of the food chain (eagle, bear, cougar, etc.) should have fewer connections than soil, grass, bees, or other creatures that tend to exist in the middle of the food chain or web.
• Humans can have impacts on natural systems. Use both the approach of walking into the string web and seeing/feeling the string pull tighter on some connections than others as well as the selective removal of a particular organism (card) after the web is built.
Duration: 20 minutes to 1 hour.


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